Our dream of making fuss-free water filters available for Singaporeans.
Our Philosophy
Our priority is providing you filtered, alkaline, NanosWater at an affordable price. We are consumers ourselves and know the pains of ensuring the quality of water once you purchase your water filter. Our system comes with with a yearly maintenance package built-in, taking the ‘fuss’ out of having pure, alkaline water in your home or office.
Why Alkaline Water?
NanosWater Filter System is that it is made on an advanced water filtering technology, Nano Silver, developed in Japan. Researchers found that the combination of drinking water that is more alkaline, and with smaller molecule clusters, was one of the keys to living a healthier life, with less disease.
How it can nourish and protect you and your family.
We know the benefits this water can have on you and your family. While we have 6 individual filters in our system. It works in 3 steps.
- Filters off heavy metals and harmful chemicals ie. chlorine
- Breaks down the water molecules, into smaller clusters, allowing minerals in the water to be more easily absorbed into the body
- Changing the water to a higher pH level, which is alkaline.
Our bodies are made up mostly of water, and consuming NanosWater helps to control the acid levels, due to diet, stress, lack of exercise. Over time, our bodies are stronger, and more protected.
Our Difference
We are here to serve you. Our pledge is to ensure the water quality in your home is checked and filters are maintained and changed for you on schedule. So you don’t have to keep track of when to:
- clean your filters,
- change your filters,
- test your water for presence of cholorine
- or the pH level of the water
Rent or Buy NanosWater System
We believe in choice,and being happy with the product you buy. We also know that the upfront cost of a water filter system can be a large sum of money for many Singaporeans to come up with, just to own a filter.
It was clear to us that we needed to create a rental scheme. And for those who would prefer to own a filter outright, can sign-up for maintenance only if they are happy with our service which they can ‘try our service out’ during the first year.
More about price structures here:
For us at NanosWater, we look forward to building a long-term relationship with our customers. We believe in building relationships with our customers, and our first step is to be transparent.
(Table showing comparion between Rental & Purchase schemes)
- Technology to provide healthy, pure drinking water,
- Team to maintain your machine to ensure that you always have healthy, pure water
- Priced at a lower entry level, for as many users to enjoy today.